5 HR Tips for Small Businesses
Small businesses can set themselves apart with the right human resources practices. This article covers five ways to make any HR department more effective.
Don’t Drag Out the Hiring Process
According to one estimate, the average job posting takes 23.8 days to fill. That equates to more than three weeks during which an ostensibly necessary position will sit empty, and it’s also an excruciating amount of time for ideal candidates to wait around. To impress well-qualified candidates and fill important positions quickly, shoot for a faster hiring process.
Create an Employee Handbook
Small businesses can use an employee handbook to clarify expectations, making life easier for employees. These handbooks can also simplify decision-making: If rules are already spelled out when it comes to matters like attendance, then decision-makers can use those rules rather than needing to make judgment calls every time a situation comes up.
Invest in Onboarding
Much like small businesses with extended hiring cycles, those with inadequate onboarding processes can turn off employees before they even have a chance to thrive. Setting up an onboarding plan is a great move for HR departments.
Find an Employment Lawyer
Employment lawyers are invaluable for small businesses, so HR departments need to put effort into finding a quality one. These attorneys can answer unique legal questions that come up during business operations, advise companies on hiring practices, and help firms stay on the right side of laws and regulations. Additionally, they can aid in resolving conflicts that arise between employees and employers.
Pay Attention to Compensation and Classification
Compensation and employee classifications are two of the most important things small businesses need to get right. Therefore, HR departments should pay close attention to these areas. For instance, treating someone as an independent contractor who should instead be a full-time employee can lead to bad blood and financial penalties.
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